Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Tagging & Bookmarking (How to)

I have a horrible feeling of drowning...overwhelmed!  This is the site I need to continue to refer to because eventually I will get comfortable with this.  There is so much here that can be useful so I just need to persist and pursue.  I liked the info I found on grammar & vocabulary games, as I know my students will enjoy learning by both with a different approach.


  1. Don't sweat it-it'll all sort itself out! One step at at time right? :)

  2. You did great today! Just think about all that you accomplished. I'm glad you found some sites that you can use. That is the real goal of this class...to help you find ways to reach your students where they are.

  3. You can show me how to link a URL to a word in my blog. I noticed you did it yesterday.

  4. I'm with you on the drowning, but we shall perserver.

  5. Just keep treading water and eventually you'll be rescued! The more you use these skills, the easier it will become.

  6. Hi! I'm glad you made a link about tagging, unfortunately I forgotten how to do this already.
